Since May 2001, we have introduced a complete technology for replacement remote control design and manufacturing, consisting of:
- A new system for transmission protocol description and coding
along with relevant software.
- GS702, a programmable controller which has a novel architecture optimized for remote control applications.
- Hardware and software development tools for GS702.
- Manufacturing technology.
- A proprietary model range, database, and searching engine.
Using GS702, we developed more than 30 different transmission protocols, achieving more than 85% coverage of total models in the marketplace.
Advantages of our approach:
- Cost-effective solutions.
- Full flexibility in application - prototyping of a new model takes less than an hour.
- Unlimited number of protocols and models.
- The same PCB and 4 external components are used for all models,
making the manufacturing process extremely simplified and effective.
- Parametric and functional advantages over existing analogues.